Treatment & Care

Fertility Treatment & Care

RK Hospital & IVF Center provides state of the art fertility treatment and care in a compassionate, patient-focused environment.

Treating the Whole Patient

Individualized Fertility Treatment Plans

We recognize that fertility treatment may impact all corners of our patient's lives. When designing a treatment course, our team considers professional concerns, personal relationships and financial questions.

Our extensive array of services, from intrauterine insemination (IUI) and in vitro fertilization (IVF) to the cryopreservation of a woman's eggs (egg freezing) and genetic testing of embryos, is designed to meet the unique needs of every patient who walks through our door.

Treatment Options

Fertility Treatment Costs

Your Goals. Your Budget.

Our physicians understand that financial concerns may impact treatment decisions, and thus focus on methods that are tailored to each patient and that have solid history of success. Our financial team is likewise committed to helping patients to meet their treatment goals and budget.

We work closely with our patient's medical insurance plan to get the best coverage for them and secure the most cost effective route to a healthy, successful pregnancy.

Other Fertility Options

Learn More About RK Hospital & IVF Center

Emotional Health and Well Being

Emotional health and well being are central to our patient's care. Our clinic's services include acupuncture and an array of Mind/Body and stress reduction workshops, seminars and support groups. Our in-house family therapist is available to any patient and will also gladly provide referrals to other qualified professionals. Our genetics counselor consultant can help our patients understand their genetic history and how this may factor into their treatment options.

Flexible Office Hours

Our physicians, nurses, counselors and laboratory staff accommodate early morning, evening and weekend appointments according to our patient's treatment schedule and 'off hour' needs.

Ready? Let's Connect.

We're here to go at your pace and answer any questions you have. Get in touch when you're ready. We'll be right here.

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RK Hospital & IVF Center